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I have enjoyed , learnt and absorbed over my retirement many of Davids Courses - they are all great and this one is no exception - and old folky rocker i love making music and now capturing it at home with ease - with Davids tutoring now I sound like I always did in my head - thanks for a life changing skill - this like all others is fun full of information and at least a 3 times watch first off to absorb the new stuff Great wok David.
Cheers and Beers
Purchased in October. I have watched a little more than half the course by now. I’ve been a bit busy.
The Ultimate Home Recording School is a solid tutorial. David is very clear throughout all the steps in the videos.
If I have questions about details (specific to my needs) that I might not have picked up in the videos, I can easily find hundreds of videos online. What I wasn’t going to find searching videos online, was a streamlined video course like this.
What I wanted from this course, was to reinforce the solid basics in home recording as well as the not so basic stuff.
The fact that David’s videos walk through a history of sound, and how things got to where they are now, even more strengthens how you learn about home recording in this course.
Years ago, I bought the Zoom H4N dvd from David’s former website. Because of that purchase ( and I recommended it to anyone who bought that device), I knew I would benefit from any products that David had produced, and in the case of the ultimate home recording school, I am, not surprisingly, not disappointed.
Thank you David and Pro Audio EXP!
After working with the X32 Rack for close to a decade, I put myself on the Behringer Wing Rack waiting list with Sweetwater. Everyone was told they would not even ship till the 1st or 2nd quarter of 2025. When I got the call from Sweetwater that they were shipping it out to me, I remembered seeing your name through out the audio communities, so that's how I found you. Your process was painless and the information I received was invaluable. The way David comes across in the videos, was both understandable as well as pleasant to watch & listen. You most definitely get 2 thumbs up!!