Ableton Live 9.7— Now Upgraded for More Recording Ease

Recently, Ableton has announced the introduction of Live 9.7. Currently, it is in public beta with a massive update that hopes to provide and bring changes of improvements for Push beatmakers.

As Ableton continues to fine-tune Push as an instrument for music-making and performance, Ableton Live 9.7 aims to give you more sample manipulation options. With the upgrade, you will see new drum layout and a collection of other on-screen workflow improvements means slicing, recording and programming beats is getting better than ever with Push. It also mean easy and more high quality music production for you.

The new version is currently in public beta, but announced to be released in the second half of the year. Ableton Live 9.7 will be available as a free one for all owners of Live 9, but if you can’t wait that long then join the Ableton beta community and test out Live 9.7 beta now.

Additionally, aside from its new slicing and recording features, it also has drum layout that will work on the first version of Push too. The update carries other new purposes to its original unit, plus huge improvements to how Link works with Looper and tap tempo. For more details on what’s new in Live 9.7, head on over to the Ableton website.

For an overview of its attributes, here is a list of Ableton Live 9.7 features:

  • New slicing functions – chop samples by beat divisions or regions, as well as manually or by transients.
  • New drum layout – with 16 set velocity levels for playing and programming more dynamic beats.
  • Hands-on audio routing – select and record ins and outs directly from Push for sampling external or internal audio without disrupting your flow.
  • Visual feedback for tighter recordings – new display info shows clip phase and count-in so you can start and finish clip recordings more accurately.
  • Hands-on color customization – color pads, tracks and clips using Push to make your performance easier.
  • Better playability – pad sensitivity adapts to what you play, whether it’s drums or sustained chords.


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