NUGEN Audio to Mix in Dolby Atmos for Netflix’s Super Drags

NUGEN Audio is used for the sound mixing of the South American show that will air on Netflix. NUGEN Audio is used by Marcelo Cyro—audio engineer, re-recording mixer and partner at Panela Productions—and his team, who were recently given the task of mixing the sounds for Netflix’s Super Drags.

Super Drags is the first to show in South America to use Dolby Atmos, using a NUGEN Audio software. It uses the NUGEN Post bundle to control the consistency of the sound and mix—to achieve a perfect balance for the show’s scoring.

“Mixing in Dolby Atmos for broadcast within the loudness parameters was challenging because we needed to not only learn how to use the new technology but to use it within Netflix’s specifications of original production,” said Cyro. “After trying so many things, I found the solution within NUGEN’s ISL True Peak limiter. After using it, my mix just worked without having any other issues. It allowed me to take care of the sound and to help the story without worrying if it is in -10 dB True Peak.”

Talking about how NUGEN Audio helps the mixing and particularly theISL True Peak limiter as a significant part of Cyro’s mix: “I use it in my auxes (effects, foleys, dialog, and music) to avoid peaks and protect the speakers,” he added. “What is great about ISL is that you don’t lose the low end as you do with so many other compressors. It’s also very fast when you have a huge transient effect. It is necessary to use loudness/True Peak parameters in Dolby Atmos and I use it on every object. It does a really good job.”

“NUGEN is an incredibly helpful and welcome part of my workflow and my mix template,” Cyro remarked. “NUGEN’s plug-ins are very simple to use and it’s easy to see what’s going on and what sounds good. They are extremely transparent and intuitive, which is necessary for audio post production.”

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