d&b Soundscape provided system solution for Kraftwerk

d&b Soundscape is behind the great quality and live sound of Kraftwerk’s sold out shows last April in Tokyo. As a musician, Kraftwerk is known for the incredibility of sound mixing that d&b Soundscape provided sound system solutions.

The immersive system from d&b Soundscape is used at the Orchard Hall. It belongs to the Bunkamura complex and is composed of KSL loudspeakers with D80 amps and d&b Soundscape. The combined use of KSL and Soundscape was a perfect sound union to complement the visual 3D experience offered by the Kraftwerk performances.

The main equipment used at the concerts were five KSL arrays, consisting of six KSL8 (top) and two KSL12 (bottom). There are also two flying SL-SUBs that act as a supplement to the KSL arrays in the low-frequency range. All of it delivered a powerful bass which was extremely evenly distributed throughout the entire hall. The KSL Systems were driven using d&b ArrayProcessing.

The whole music production are is surrounded with 20 point source loudspeakers from the d&b Y-Series consisting of six Y10P (110° x 40°) and fourteen Y7P loudspeakers (75° x 40°), composed of seven positions supplemented by six rear positions. The d&b Soundscape loudspeakers were driven by 32 high-performance four channel D80 amps. Their integrated DSP modules were used for system equalization. The amps received their signals over four DS10 audio network bridges.

And for the music production of Kraftwerk’s stage shows in Japan, MSI JAPAN was in charge of the technical equipment. The KSL loudspeakers and the SL-SUBs were supplied by Arxiduc Audio Co. Ltd. and d&b Japan

The audio and visual concept of Kraftwerk’s shows was to provide the concert audience with a stereoscopic 3D projection, amplified an immersive audio experience. It was achieved because of the d&b DS100 signal engine coupled to the mixing console system by MADI. Serge Gräfe controlled the individual signals by using the En-Scene user interface provided in the R1 Remote control software.

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